ABC Paint

Age Restriction: +3

  • Bh1

  • Experience
  • Great for children

Play Type: Single Player

Comfort Level: Green

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ABC Paint is a simple VR drawing experience that anyone can start using in seconds. 

The app takes inspiration from real life painting scenarios, presenting the player with a paint brush in one hand and the painters palette in the other.
All interactions are strictly touch-based, the only controller button to press is the trigger.

The user can choose between different bright colors and brush sizes, undo steps or clear the whole artwork. Every interaction also has auditory feedback.

With VR arcade use in mind, the game has no in-game menus or overly complicated options nor an exit button that could be pressed accidentally.
The non-violent nature and ease of use makes the app suitable for even the youngest of players as their first step into VR.

Some rudimentary admin controls are available - press R to reset the drawing and ESC to close the game.